Blog Archives

LOI 0027 Mike McFarland

Mike McFarland is on with Kevin and Ryan this week. Joining us from the Houston, Texas area, Mike McFarland is a level 10 loan officer bringing his knowledge and experience to our show today. Mike discusses his methods and how … Continue reading

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LOI 0026 Kevin Broughton and Ryan Surratt

Today, Ryan and Kevin discuss three things loan officers can do to add more loans to their pipeline. This week is different from previous podcasts. This session was supposed to be a brainstorming session to discuss topics to bring loan … Continue reading

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LOI 0025 Sarah Cox

Sarah Cox, senior Loan Officer from the Dallas – Fort Worth Texas market, joins us this week on Loan Officer Impact. Sarah spent time reflecting on when she got back into Loan Origination full-time. A close friend of Sarah’s told … Continue reading

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LOI 0024 Andy Dautrich

Andy Dautrich joins Kevin and Ryan on Loan Officer Impact this week to discuss adaptation, strategy, and technology. Andy is incredibly focused on growing and refining his business. A heavy ingredient to Andy’s ‘secret sauce’ is Mortgage Coach. If you’re … Continue reading

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LOI 0023 Rachel B. Lee

The hosts of Loan Officer Impact, Kevin Broughton and Ryan Surratt, interview social media expert Rachel B. Lee on using social media to build a personal brand as a loan originator. The hosts acknowledge the challenging market conditions for loan … Continue reading

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LOI 0022 Kevin Broughton and Ryan Surratt

This week on Loan Officer Impact, Ryan Surratt and Kevin Broughton discuss the concept of Strategic Discipline, which they believe is crucial for loan officers to succeed in any market. They argue that lack of discipline is why loan officers … Continue reading

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LOI 0021 Kimberly Johnson

We have an incredible guest this week, Kimberly Johnson. Kimberly is the definition of “Leadership Evolved.” Speaking with us today from Abilene, Texas, Kimberly recently took a Branch Manager role. Her day-to-day activities are focused, structured, and overall, Kimberly has … Continue reading

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LOI 0020 Brittany Hodak

Award-winning entrepreneur, author, and customer experience speaker Brittany Hodak joins us on Loan Officer Impact. Brittany has delivered keynotes across the globe to organizations, including American Express and the United Nations. She has worked with some of the world’s biggest … Continue reading

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LOI 0019 Dale Vermillion

We have an icon in the industry joining us today on Loan Officer Impact. Dale Vermillion has impacted more lives in the mortgage industry than we can fathom. Whether you’re a loan officer, operations manager, or team lead, Dale has … Continue reading

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LOI 0018 Mike Cardascia & Erica Homefield

Two coaching loan officers are joining us on Loan Officer Impact this week! Kevin Broughton and Ryan Surratt are interviewing Michael Cardascia and Erica Homefield on this week’s episode. You may know these two from Carl White’s Mortgage Marketing Animals … Continue reading

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