Mike McFarland is on with Kevin and Ryan this week. Joining us from the Houston, Texas area, Mike McFarland is a level 10 loan officer bringing his knowledge and experience to our show today. Mike discusses his methods and how he meticulously walks the Daily Success Plan (DSP) path and runs a strict and well-managed calendar. Additional back-office help is essential, but things are still challenging. How does Mike get things done?
How do we do it?
There are several steps to getting things done and working off a packed calendar. First, you must honor the time blocks. Be intentional about your time. If you’ve structured your day in advance, you must try your hardest to follow it. With that discipline in place, the four of us had our list of 30 agents, and we just went at it with Thor’s Hammer. We saw results from this almost immediately, generating about eight appointments per week! Once those appointments were scheduled, it was just a matter of getting out there to meet these new agents, cultivating relationships, and then flipping those agents to the Focused 40 and calling them to generate referrals.
Consistency is king
Breaking through the mental blocks of having to cold call is vital when booking those first appointments. At some point, you’ll have to flip from the cold call to the relationship call – so going from cold to warm is where you want to be. Then it just gets easier to repeat the cycle and keep that consistency. Once you’ve built an excellent referral base and generated business, you must work on the agent. Now you can focus on the relationship and break the realtor habit of sending all their business to the other guy, right? Work on becoming that guy the Realtor is sending all their business to.
Authenticity is paramount
“You gotta know who you’re looking for – you gotta know what profile you’re looking for.” Using the correct language to connect to future referral partners is essential. Getting the proper script can be difficult, but if your script is something you can connect with personally, no matter where the conversation goes, you will feel good about it. If I can get a meeting using the script, I can generally feel good that the meeting will also be good.
Tune in for the full podcast. It’s packed with extremely valuable content that will help any loan officer improve on their process, build out the next strategy or put you in touch with the right people to help you become more successful – no matter where you work.
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